Lunch & Learn

  • Free CPD, one-hour training opportunity with Certificate of Attendance
  • Lunch or snacks provided
  • Free resources provided
  • An opportunity to apply learning to real Case Studies or your own Clinical Practice

Book a free training session with our team at Advanced Seating Solutions Ltd. We will come to you, at a time that suits your team such as a lunch break or Team Meeting.

Training sessions can include:

  • Equipment to support Assisted Standing – walking aids, harnesses and ‘assist to walk’ vests Specialist
  • Bathing and Hygiene Solutions – how to meet complex needs
  • Are you sitting comfortably? Comfort seating vs Specialist seating
  • Measuring for slings and choosing the right product to meet complex needs
  • How to assess for a wheelchair
  • Complex handling solutions

To book your free Lunch & Learn CPD Training Session, please contact Kate or Martin on 02392 006556 or you can simply submit the form below and we will contact you.

    The new General Data Protection Regulations are changing a number of ways that companies use and store customer data.
    We would like to assure you that at Advanced Seating Solutions Ltd. we respect your privacy and will store your information in line with our Privacy Notice & Data Protection policy (to be found here). We will only use your data to send you information relevant to your field of interest. We will not share your data with third parties without your knowledge and you can unsubscribe at any time.
    Please confirm that you have read and understood:

    Privacy Statement:

    At Advanced Seating Solutions Ltd we take protection of your personal data very seriously.

    Your personal and/or sensitive data is being collected for the following reasons:

    1. Contractual reasons – this enables us to provide a service to you e.g. provision of assessment, equipment or Therapy Services. We will only collect the necessary data to enable us to perform the contracted service. Some of your data is of a highly sensitive nature e.g. medical information and we ensure this data is stored safely in line with our Data Protection Policy. This data is essential in order for us to provide a service to you.

    2. Contractual reasons – where we are entering into a business arrangement with you as a supplier of equipment, Professional Services or Therapy Services.

    3. Consent – Where we use your data to send you information, leaflets and resources you will be given the opportunity to withdraw your consent for us to use that data. We may use your data to send you additional, relevant information that we feel would be of interest and use to you. You will have the right to unsubscribe at any time.

    4. Your data will be collected by documented telephone calls, email, website enquiries, letter and hand-written documents. This is safely stored on secure, password protected devices and Cloud storage or, if handwritten, in a locked filing cabinet. Please see our policy for further details.

    5. Your data will only be shared with a third party if it is required for an essential service to be performed e.g. delivery of equipment. Where sensitive data may need to be shared we will always seek your permission to do so.

    6. All our data is securely held for 7 years, in line with our insurance policy guidelines, professional body guidelines and for the purposes of warranty, repair and maintenance of equipment.

    7. For more detailed information on our Policy and contact details please see our Data Protection Policy on our website