Moving & Handling

Moving & Handling Training Courses:

We understand the importance of ensuring that care staff are well trained in moving and handling practices, which is why we offer a range of training delivered to the highest standards by our experienced trainers.

Advanced Seating Solutions Ltd are an established provider of mandatory training courses for both Health and Social Care such as moving and handling inc: Safer People Handling and Handling of plus size People ( Bariatric), to organisations and individuals across the UK

Here, our emphasis is on developing consistency of care for residents and clients and the psychological well being of people handling carers. By applying skills and methods taught here, organisations will benefit from more motivated staff as well as improved mobility of clients.

With such an extensive range of training sessions available, there really is no excuse for poor moving and handling techniques, which could seriously affect your staff, clients and ultimately your business.

Contact us today for more information to find out more about the range of training courses that we offer. We can also deliver bespoke training specific to your needs.

Other Care Training (Mandatory)

• Dementia Care

• Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS)

• Dignity into Care (Principles of Care)

• Disability Discrimination

• Epilepsy Awareness

• Epilepsy Awareness and Buccal Midazolam Administration

• Equality & Diversity

• Falls & Fragility

• Fire Safety Awareness

• Food Hygiene Awareness

• Health & Safety Awareness

• Hoisting

• Infection Control

• Incontinent Care

• Lone Working

• Moving and Handling of Inanimate Loads (Theory)

For further information, booking & pricing etc, please email us on: