For patients who are classed as medium to high risk of developing pressureulcers.
Patients with severe spinal injuries / fractures should not be using this product. This product forms part of a holistic care package and should only be used by trained personnel. For training or further advice contact Herida Healthcare on Freephone +44800 193 6030.
Working Principle
The dynamic cushionsystem consists of a manualair pump and an alternating air cushion. The air cushionhas three distinct airway chambers:1.Group A Chambers –Air tubes 1,3 & 5.2.Group B Chambers –Air tubes 2 & 4.AandB chambersalternateinflatinganddeflatingbyusingthepumpconnected.This airalternating,cushionsystemenhances theblood circulationtotreatandpreventpressure ulcers, when part ofa holisticcare package.Initialisationcantakeupto10minutestoachieve.