The Woburn Community Low

The Woburn Community Low

You can purchase this item now by calling 023 9200 6556
Prices start from: £1,153.00 (excl V.A.T.)
Discounts will be applied for NHS & Account customers.

In addition to the Woburn Community, the Woburn Community Low profling bed features a lower entry and exit height. Ideal for many community environments, the bed will lower to 220mm from ground level, allowing for easy access to service users.
The handset is lockable to prevent tampering by those other than carers.


  • Features
  • Specifications


Low voltage
Lockable handset
Max. patient weight 185kg/ 29 Stone
SWL 220 kg / 34 Stone
Optional wooden side rails
Emergency battery backup
Variable height (220 – 640mm)
Electric backrest and knee break with mechanical lower leg support
Designed for easy cleaning to aid infection control
rendelenburg as standard
Compatible with environmental control system
Comes with a 5-year warranty


Dimensions: 2115 x 1015mm
Height: 380 – 800mm
SWL: 220kg/34 Stone